About Us

Our Story

Growing up, the passion to start a farm was strong. At the age of 13, Ryan had started working at local dairy farms and eventually opened up his own goat dairy alongside a friend. That evolved into many future farming opportunities around the community. In 2014, Ryan started working for a direct to consumer organic operation, which furthered his farming education and it was there that he knew that this is the direction he wanted to continue in agriculture. in 2015, Ryan was lucky to marry Ashley who wasn't afraid of the long hours and had some farm experience growing up. As our family grew, in 2020 we were blessed with the opportunity to start renting an established organic operation and took over the cattle and sheep herd. We have now expanded the farm and our family and cannot wait to see the future of what is to come.


We offer a variety of farm fresh meats. Click the button below to learn more!

Our Practices

We use regenerative and organic practices to raise our livestock. We use livestock in an integrated way to keep our farm sustainable. We feed all certified organic grains to our livestock. We do rotational grazing on a cow/calf herd alongside our sheep. We free-range our egg laying chickens and our broilers. We also raise non-confinement fresh air hogs with a farrow to finish process. All of the organic feed that is fed to our livestock is produced on our organic farm. The fertility from the animals gets returned to the land to feed the microbiology in the soil.


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